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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Home Learning Week 2

We hope you’ve all had a good week of home learning and most importantly are keeping well.

Thank you so much for all of your tapestry observations. Amongst all of the super learning that’s been going on we’ve heard some great versions of We’re going on an Easter egg hunt, lots of different objects being used as a basis for subtracting, plenty of phonics practice going on and lots more.

If you haven’t had a chance to upload anything this week, and you get five minutes, please do so. It’s the highlight of our day logging on and seeing what the children have been up to.

We are checking Bug Club regularly to ensure children have access to books. If you can make sure your child clicks on all of the bugs in each book as they read, it makes it easier for us to see when they need new books added. If anyone is having any problems logging on let us know and we will try our best to help.

We hope that you all have a good (albeit different) Easter.

Wishing you all the very best,

Mrs Fisher and Mr French

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