We hope you enjoyed your Easter celebrations, that you are all keeping well and that you have had a lovely week of home learning.
Thank you so much for all of your Tapestry observations. We’ve read lots of your fantastic facts about space, seen some amazing model rockets being made, great pictures of aliens, brilliant maths, comparing ordering and positional language, lots of phonics practice happening and much more besides.
If you haven’t had a chance to upload anything this week please can you do so. If possible, please could you submit observations by Friday of each week and can you ensure they include an observation of the specific maths task and literacy task that we have set for the week.
As a reminder this week’s maths was to upload an observation showing your child’s understanding of positional language, and for literacy it was for your child to use their phonic knowledge to help them write a fact about Space.
Thank you for all of the reading taking place on Bug Club. We check Bug Club regularly to ensure children have access to books. If you can make sure your child clicks on all of the bugs in each book as they read, it makes it easier for us to see when they need new books added. If anyone is having any problems logging on let us know and we will try our best to help.