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A Reception Class Post

Reception Spring 2, Week 2.

This Week: 

Thank you for the wonderful, imaginative costumes that you provided for your children for World Book Day yesterday. The children enjoyed the day, sharing books and other activities to promote the joy of reading. Our story of the week this week has been The Three Little Pigs. If you didn’t get to see the reception staff yesterday, we dressed up as the characters from the story and then we acted it out to the children. There will be a video on Tapestry soon, so look out for it!

All week, the children have been getting to know the story of The Three Little Pigs really well and doing different activities to embed their knowledge and understanding of how a story is structured. We have also been thinking about what makes a good material for building a house. We looked at different materials and their properties and linking it back to the work we did on a new chair for baby bear, last week. We have tested out the straw, sticks and bricks to check their suitability for making a strong house. We have also looked at old and new houses, comparing a modern day house to one in the Victorian times. We used out skills of comparing to talk about what is the same and what is different.

In phonics, we have been learning the digraphs; er and oa and the tricky words; come, some, were, one.

In maths, we have been continuing our work on part whole models and finding the missing part.

Next week:

Our story of the week will the The Gingerbread Man. We will also be taking part in British Science Week and we have lots of lovely science experiments planned to enhance the children’s curiosity. On Friday next week, we will be celebrating Red Nose Day and also learning about St Patrick’s Day.

Other information: 

Please continue to read traditional stories to your children at home so they have a bank of good stories with repeated refrains such as; ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.’ This will really support their literature as they continue in their learning journey in KS1 and 2.

Parents evening is on Monday and Wednesday next week and we look forward to seeing you there.

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