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A Reception Class Post

Reception Spring 2, Week 3

Hello Willow and Lilac parents,

We hope you have had a good weekend.

Thank you for attending parents last week. It was lovely to see you all and celebrate your children’s progress. Everyone should now have a tricky words pack, as well as all of the graphemes that are taught in reception. Please keep practising these with your child, alongside their reading books.

Last week, we continued our ‘What do people do all day’ topic. We had another two great talks from parents about their jobs, one working for a donkey, horse and mule charity and another as a Dr working for AstraZeneca and being part of the team to develop the Covid vaccinations. Both talks were extremely interesting and the children had some great questions for our visitors. Many thanks to those parents who came in to present.

The focus of our learning this week has been on construction. We have been thinking about jobs people do in the construction industry, looking particularly at architecture and linking it to designing our own buildings and inventions. We’ve looked at famous, aspirational buildings from around the world and talked about whether they are old or new. We have learnt about levers and pulleys and other mechanisms and experimented with various resources to make our own levers.


Our book of the week was Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty. We have been thinking about the perseverance of Rosie and linking it to the Characteristics of Effective Learning.


In Maths the children have been learning to compare numbers within 10 and different ways to make 10.  The children have also been working hard practising number bonds to 5 and 10.


In phonics this week, the children were learning the trigraph ‘igh’ A trigraph is where 3 letters come together to make one sound. We have also been practising tricky words and putting them into a sentence.


This week:

  • It’s Science Week! We have lots of exciting experiments planned for the children!
  • We will be learning about the role and jobs of scientist, both from the present day and famous scientists from the past, who deserve to be celebrated!
  • We will learning about St. Patrick the patron saint of Ireland.
  • On Friday it’s Red Nose Day and we will be learning about why we raise money to help people.
  • In Maths, we will be revisiting and reviewing previous learning this term to help consolidate our learning.
  • In Phonics, we will be learning the trigraph ‘air’
  • In Talk 4 Writing, we will continue to adapt our story map of ‘On the way home’ by Jill Murphy.
  • In Jigsaw, we are learning about why sleep is good for us and how to help get to sleep.
  • We will be looking at oral hygiene and answer the question: Why do we have teeth?

Supporting your child at home

  • When sharing a story with your child talk about character’s feelings, actions and motives, make asides and comment about what is happening in the story for example, “That looks dangerous – I’m sure they’re scared that they’re all going to fall off that broom!”.  By doing this, you will help your child to listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.
  • To develop problem-solving skills with your child, talk through how they, you and others resolved a problem or difficulty.  Show them that mistakes are an important part of learning and going back is trial and error not failure.  By doing this, you will help your child to show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.
  • Support your child to orally rehearse a complete sentence before writing.  This will help your child to write short sentences with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter at the start, finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.


Any other information

  • BOOK BORROWING -Please remember in order to borrow a new book on Friday you must return the previously borrowed book by Thursday.


Have a great week!


Mrs Fisher and Mrs Murrell

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