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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Spring Week 2

Hello from Lilac and Willow Class, what a great week we’ve had this week!

This week:

After reading the book Dear Zoo, the children spent the week learning about different household pets.  We found out what pets the children have in class, we researched information from non-fiction texts from the library including they look like, what they eat and how to care for them.  With that in mind, the children were given the opportunity to have their very own pet rock.  The children were really creative and used information that we researched to tell us about where their pet rocks live and what they eat.  Can your child remember some of the household pets we learnt about this week and share something they learnt?

In phonics, we consolidated our learning of all the letters and sounds learnt so far as well as learning the new sounds long “oo”, short “oo” “oa” and “ar”.

In maths we were learning about comparing, ordering and measuring and the children used the story Dear Zoo to support this.  The children learnt that comparing means saying what is the same and what is different about different objects, ordering means placing objects in a particular way based on a rule and measuring means finding out the size of an object.  There was lots of mathematical language used by the children such as longer, shorter, longest and shortest which was fantastic.  Challenge your child to find 3 different sized objects and compare them and order them from smallest to longest.

In music, Mrs Footer encouraged the children to explore different percussion instruments before teaching them a brand new song called “You wouldn’t have a pig as a pet”.  Why not ask your child if they can remember any animals from the song that you wouldn’t have as a pet?

This Whyday Friday we asked the question – How do skateboards work? The children were so busy finding out how wheels are attached to the board and how the board moves.  They were shown the different parts of the skateboard and discovered that the wheels are attached to axles, and that the axles are attached to the deck.  The children then made their own skateboards, choosing which 2D shape would make the best wheels.  They also got to design and make their very own skate parks with features such as a rail, a ramp and a halfpipe.  They really enjoyed finding out all about skateboards, and even got the chance to ride their skateboards around our class skate park.

Next week:

  • In phonics, we are revisiting all the digraphs we’ve done so far and practising our letter formation of previous phonemes.
  • In maths, we will be using scales to weigh different objects and use positional language to describe the position of objects.
  • In music, we will continue to learn the song “You wouldn’t have a pig as a pet”.
  • In PE, the children will continue practising their animal dance routine whilst learning new animal movements.
  • For Whyday Friday, we will answer the question: how do the Chinese celebrate New Year?

Any other information:

  • BUG CLUB – New books have been added to bug club for your child to enjoy. If you have any problems accessing it, please speak to your class teacher.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend,

Mrs Fisher and Mr French

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