Hello from Lilac and Willow, we have certainly been busy this week.
This week:
As part of British Science Week, the children found out lots about British wildlife and how we can all take care of the world we live in. The children took part in an investigation called ‘What’s in the box’. As part of the investigation, children had to make predictions about what animal was in the box. Only a small section of each animal picture was revealed. The children made some very good predictions and used lots of vocabulary to describe each animal. See if your children can remember any animals native to the British Isles?
In maths we were counting on to find a total by putting the bigger number in our heads and counting on to find the answer. We saw an episode of the Numberblocks in which the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 were trying to get into a castle. They have to join together to make larger numbers in order to work their way through the castle. When numbers are added together, we start with the bigger number and then count on the smaller number.
In Phonics, we continued to review our Phase 3 sounds. The children have become expert at trying to apply their phonic knowledge in all of their writing.
In Music, the children continued to learn our Jack and the Beanstalk song introduced to us last week by Mrs Footer. The children remembered which percussion instruments were used to make high and low sounds and the different movements they made to accompany the instruments.
For Whyday Friday we asked the question how are rainbows formed? The children enjoyed discovering which types of weather cause rainbows to appear, as well as writing about what they think may be at the end of a rainbow. We also challenged the children to use their creative skills to colour mix to make the colours of the rainbow. Why not ask your child if they remember what colours are in the rainbow?
Next week:
- We will be enjoying the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.
- We will be thinking about the food that he ate and find out more about healthy/unhealthy food.
- We will be learning about the life cycle of the caterpillar.
- In Phonics, we will continue working on our Phase 3 sounds.
- In Maths, we will be describing the properties of 3D shapes, describe the position of one object in relation to another object, comparing capacity and ordering a series of familiar events.
- In PE, we will continue working on our throwing and catching skills.
Any other information:
- BUG CLUB – Can we please remind you to log on and enjoy the books available on Bug Club – https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/ If you have any questions please talk to a member of staff.
- PHONICS CARDS – To further support the children’s learning in phonics, we have sent home individual sounds for you and your child to read in your child’s book bag. Please read them daily.
Hope you enjoy your weekend!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French