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A Reception Class Post

Reception Summer 1, Week 1

Hello everyone, welcome back! We hope you have all enjoyed a restful Easter break.

This Week

In Reception, this week, our topic focus has been ‘What a Wonderful World.’ This year, Earth Day falls on Saturday April 22. It’s an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. In class, shared the story Dear Earth by Isabel Otter and listened to the song ‘What a Wonderful World’ by Lewis Armstrong. We reflected on some of the wonders that exist on our planet Earth and shared our ideas. We learnt about different habitats on planet Earth and why it is the only known planet in our solar system to support organic life. We thought about some of the things that we can do to help to look after our planet.

In phonics, we revisited the phonemes; ure, air, igh, ear, oi, oa and er and practised writing these in words and putting them into sentences.

In maths, we have been learning to use the language of first, then and now to help us add 2 amounts to make a total. We read the book Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham and then used the language of first, then and now to help us to explain how many people and animals were in the boat.




Next Week

  • We will be learning about St George’s Day and May Day, making comparisons and links back to our previous learning on St Patrick’s Day and St David’s Day. We will also be revisiting our learning on the United Kingdom.
  • In Maths, we will be learning to use the language of first, then and now to help us to take away.
  • In Phonics, we will be learning how to read and write CVCC words. These are words that are made up of consonants (C) and vowels (V) e.g. back.
  • In Jigsaw this half term, we will be learning about relationships.

Supporting your child at home

  • Reading with your child at home will significantly help them to develop their understanding of letters and sounds, as well become better readers and writers. The Monster Phonics books are designed to support the children with their learning and it is important that the children read these regularly however, additional books outside of Monster Phonics books will also help.  Please write comments in your child’s reading record to let us know how your child has got on with their book.
  • When talking with your child, encourage them to connect one idea or action with another using a range of conjunctions e.g. ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’ – “I like that game because it was lots of fun.”
  • Plan games which involve partitioning and recombining sets. For example, throw 5 beanbags, aiming for a hoop. How many go in and how many don’t? By doing this, you will help your child to explore the composition of numbers.

Any other information

  • WARM WEATHER – In warm weather children will need a named sun hat. If appropriate, please apply long lasting sun cream before they arrive at school. Please can you make sure that a named water bottle is in school every day.
  • Picture books are now going home on Fridays, please could you send in picture books by Thursday so that they can be changed on Friday.


Mrs. Fisher and Mrs Murrell
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers


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