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A Reception Class Post

Reception Summer 1, Week 2

Hello from Lilac class and Willow Class!

We have been enjoying another interesting week learning about Space. This week we have been focusing on rockets and satellites; how they get into space and what jobs they do. We watched a video about how rockets get into space. You might like to share it with your child at home to reflect on the learning we have done in school. Here is the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000rjgg/maddie-space-and-you-series-1-1-rockets

During our adult led ‘My jobs’, the children have been creating a non-fiction information book about space. They have been applying their phonic knowledge and practising their handwriting.

Thank you for the junk modelling that you sent in so that the children can create their rockets or satellites next week. They have been busy designing them and selecting the resources they would like to use.

In Phonics, we have started on phase 4 of our Monster Phonics scheme and we have been beginning to look at blends in words. We have been focusing on blending and segmenting graphemes to read and write CVCC words such as; Camp, lamp, damp, ramp, link, pink, sink, wink, melt, belt, and felt.

In Maths, we have been continuing with our numbers from 10-20, as well as adding and taking away.


We hope you have a restful weekend.


Mrs Fisher and Mrs Murrell




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