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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Summer 2 Week 1

Hello from Lilac & Willow,

What a lovely day we had on Thursday!
We could not have been more proud of the way that the children came into school and settled into their new routines. They were very well prepared for their new school day and we’d like to thank you for your support with this.
On Thursday we focused on settling the children into their new routines and environments. The children shared lots about their time at home, and represented this in their pictures and writing.
Next week
We will be reading ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ written by Julia Donaldson.  We will be recapping all of the phonics we have learnt so far and we will be re-capping 1 more and 1 less.
Any other information:
  • Please can each child bring in a spare set of clothes, in a bag to keep on their peg should they need to change in the day for any reason.
  • Please could children have a coat in school each day. We will be spending as much time outside as possible, including eating our lunch and it can get a little chilly particularly when sitting.
Look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Fisher and Mr French
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