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A Reception Class Post

Reception Summer 2, Week 2

Hello, We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.


Last week

The children had a very egg-citing delivery on Monday, an incubator for each classroom with several eggs in each. This linked well with our learning from earlier in the term when the children did lots of learning about which animals hatch from eggs. The children quickly predicted that chicks would hatch from the eggs and by Wednesday they were not disappointed! We welcomed several chicks in each classroom and once they were dry enough we took them out of the incubators and put them into their brooder boxes and run. We explained to the children that it is our job to look after the chicks until they go back to the farm next week and so they have been very gentle with them.

The children have observed the changes happening each day and so we have all been keeping a diary to have a daily record of the different events so that we could remember everything that happens.  This is another opportunity for the children to practise using the past tense in their writing, as well as applying their phonic knowledge to tell us their observations of the eggs. We are very much looking forward to seeing them continue to grow over the next week.


In Phonics, we re-visited the Monster Phonics version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The children have begun to look at compound words.  A compound word is when two smaller words are put together to make a larger word, for example playground, lunchbox and farmyard.


In Maths, we have been continuing with our work on numbers to 20. We have looked at what they look like as numbers and also leant the composition of number from 11-20, where ten is a benchmark, as in ‘ten and …more.’ So 15 is ‘ten and five more.’ We have also shown the children how to use a number line to ‘count on.’  In our Maths warm ups we have focused on practising doubles to 10. This is something you can practise at home with your child to support their fluency.


Next Week

It is Sports Week next week so the children will need to be in their P.E kits all week for all of the exciting sporting opportunities we have planned for them.

We will continue to watch the chicks grow and keep a daily diary of the changes we observe.

In Phonics we will be practising reading and spelling words that start with 2 adjacent consonants such as; strong and crunch.  We will also be practising reading and spelling CCVCC and CCCVCCC words such as; scrunch and crash as well as introducing new high frequency and tricky words: called, asked, looked.

In Maths we will continue our learning of numbers to 20 and practising previous learning in our warm ups.


Supporting your child at home

  • Narrate events and actions out loud for your child to hear, for example “I knew it must be hot outside because Mummy was putting on her sunglasses on.” This will help support your child to connect one idea or action to another using a range of conjunctions.
  • Help your child to develop good personal hygiene by acknowledging and praise their efforts. Provide regular reminders about thorough handwashing and toileting. This will support your child to further develop skills they need to manage the school day successfully.
  • Model how you read and re-read your own writing to check it makes sense. This will encourage your child to re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.

Any other information

  • WARM WEATHER – In warm weather children will need a named sun hat. Please apply long lasting sun cream before they arrive at school. Please can you make sure that a named water bottle is in school every day.
  • Sports Week is next week. The children need to be in P.E kits every day. Mr Smith has planned some very exciting sports opportunities throughout the week.

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Mrs Fisher and Mrs Murrell
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers







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