Hello from Lilac and Willow Class, what a jam-packed week we’ve had!
The children have been back for their first four day week now and we are delighted with the way they have continued to do their very best, having lots of fun and staying safe in the process. Thank you again for all your efforts in supporting the children with the return to school.
This week:
We have read the story ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ written by Julia Donaldson. Charlie Cook reads a book and within that book there’s another book, and within that book there’s another book and this pattern continues all throughout the book. We used 4 of the stories to support the children’s learning this week.
On Monday, we read the story and the children talked about their favourite books. They learnt how to write a book review, created puppets and pictures of their favourite characters and drew story maps to help them retell stories.
On Tuesday, we read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears emphasising the recurring story language for children to use in retelling their own stories. They created models of chairs and beds for the 3 bears, reenacted the story using masks in our role play area and created puppets to retell the story.
On Wednesday, we watched the SpaceX rocket launch and talked about space. We revisited the planets in our solar system with the children creating models of the planets using various materials. They also made rockets using 2D shapes and they wrote about what things they would take to space if they were astronauts.
Our week finished on Thursday with the children thinking about the Queen’s birthday. We talked about different celebrations that we might eat cakes at and how we can write invitations to invite people. We also looked at different castles as royal residences. The children constructed models of their own castles, created crowns with jewels of different colours and sizes to create repeating patterns.
Next week:
We will be reading the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynold. We will share this story as a Memo on Tapestry.
Any other information:
- From Monday, children will be able to bring things that they have made in school home with them. Please note, however, that we are still unable to have any items from home come into school.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday,
Have a relaxing weekend!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French
P.S Hello to our Willow and Lilac Class children that are still working at home. We hope that you have had fun this week too.