Hello from Lilac and Willow Class, it has certainly been a very busy week indeed! The children have continued to go from strength to strength and like us, we’re sure you’ll be very proud of how well they have adjusted to life in their respective bubbles. Thank you again for your ongoing support.
This week:
This week, we read the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynold.
In the story, a little girl called Vashti believes she can’t draw. With the encouragement from her Art teacher, she starts by drawing a simple dot on the paper. From that simple dot, Vashti’s confidence and desire to draw even more grows, and the end result is that Vashti helps another child who believes he can’t do anything to draw. The story helped the children to think about the things they are good at and the things we can’t do…yet! All week the children were challenged to do things they can’t do yet and so we practised to get even better.
On Monday, we read the story and answered the following questions: ‘How do we get better at things we find tricky?’ and ‘How do we feel when we have achieved something we couldn’t do before?’ The children were challenged to work on something special to them throughout the week. They worked so hard and were able to celebrate being Challenge Champions!
On Tuesday, we thought about how Vashti turned one black dot into a whole range of pictures. We started with one large black dot on the paper and the drew a picture incorporating that dot. The children then wrote a label to say what they drew. The children were very creative and came up with some fantastic pictures.
On Wednesday, we decided we would grab our pencils and take a line for a walk. In the story, the little boy says to Vashti that he can’t even draw a line. With encouragement she helps him and then the boy starts to create his own line picture. As the children took their pencils for a walk, they were narrating a story to help them form the different shapes. Once they finished, the children coloured them in and they looked fantastic.
We finished our week on Thursday thinking about dotty drawings! The children were shown some very famous artists who create artwork all made up of dots! This type of art is known as Pointillism. The children then became pointillist artists and worked very carefully to create their own fabulous masterpieces.
Next week:
We will be reading ‘The Troll’ by Julia Donaldson. We will share this story as a Memo on Tapestry.
Any other information:
- Please could children have a coat in school each day. We will be spending as much time outside as possible, including eating our lunch and it can get a little chilly particularly when sitting.
- Please could we remind you to only bring fruit in for snack time.
We hope you all have a pleasant weekend – see you on Monday!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French