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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Summer 2 Week 4

Hello from Lilac and Willow, we’ve been “To Infinity and Beyond” with our learning this week.

This week

This week the children have been continuing our Space topic.  We read the book Goodnight Spaceman by Michelle Robinson and Nick East, inspired by British astronaut Tim Peake’s mission to the international space station. The children listened to the story about two young boys getting ready for bed, looking out of the window at the starry night and thinking about their Daddy, an astronaut, in his rocket ship and imagining what they would see and do if they were in space as well. Over the course of the week the children created papier-mâché planets and collages of planets from a variety of materials. We continued our Space writing to help our class mascots Sam and Lucas learn about space – well done everyone!



In Phonics this week, we practised playing the game Buried Treasure. During the game, the children had to use their phonics knowledge to segment and blend to work out which of the words were real words and which were the alien words. The real words (treasure) was placed in the treasure chest whilst the alien words were placed in the rubbish bin.






In Maths this week we were using stories that contained the words ‘First, Then and Now’ to learn about taking away amounts, for example, ‘First, Kipper the Dog had seven toys in his toy box.  Then he took three toys out of his toy box.  Now there are four toys left in the box.’






Lilac and Willow had the opportunity to have their last activity from PE week rearranged. The children took part in an inflatable obstacle course, played on bouncy castles and had a chance to try out archery.  Everyone had lots of fun!

After a busy week, the children enjoyed Football Friday where we celebrated England’s progress to the Quarter Finals of Euro 2020.  We designed our own football kits, we recreated flags from the nations taking part and we had a kickabout with some pop up goals and footballs.  The children also got to enjoy some “half time” oranges like the footballers do.  There was certainly a lot of potential England stars of the future on show!

Next week

  • We will be finishing our Space topic and will be continuing our entries for our space learning log.
  • In Phonics, we will continue to practise our phonics reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • In Maths, we will be composing 2D shapes and learning to recognise that shapes may have other shapes within them.

Supporting your child at home

  • Encourage your child to express their feelings if they feel hurt or upset whilst trying to use descriptive vocabulary. Help and reassure them when they are distressed, upset or confused.  This will in turn help support your child to express their feelings and consider the feelings of others.
  • When writing, help your child memorise the sentence they want to write by saying it aloud beforehand. This will help your child as they learn to write short sentences with words with known sounds using a capital letter and full stop.
  • Plan and play games which involve partitioning and recombining sets or amounts of objects. For example, throw 5 beanbags, aiming at a hoop.  Ask questions such as “How many go in the hoop?  How many don’t?”  This will give your child opportunities to explore the composition of numbers to 10.

Any other information

  • BOOK BAGS – Please could book bags be in school every day.
  • EGG BOXES – If you have any egg boxes that we could use this week for junk modelling, we would very much appreciate them.

We hope you have a great weekend.


Mrs Fisher & Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers

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