Hello from Lilac and Willow Class, we’ve had lots of fun this week made even better with plenty of sunshine to enjoy too! Thank you for all of your support since our return to school, the children are working hard and are really demonstrating characteristics of effective learning – well done!
This week:
This week, we read the the story ‘The Troll’ written by Julia Donaldson.
In the story, we meet a troll and a group of pirates. The troll wants to cook goat supper, but no goats ever came trip-trapping over his bridge; he’s stuck with boring fish! Meanwhile, Hank Chief and his pirate crew are searching for treasure. They love fish but they can’t cook. A chance meeting might save everyone’s dreadful dinners? Our learning this week is inspired by trolls and pirates.
On Monday, we read the story and talked all things trolls. We looked at the illustrations in the book as well as other pictures of different trolls. The children had to describe the trolls using simple adjectives. We used our 5 senses to help us describe the trolls, the children came up with some brilliant sentences, making sure they applied their phonics to help them writing. In our creative area, the children created their own troll puppets to use in the puppet theatre. As part of construction, the children were given pictures of several bridges from around the world to inspire them to make their own bridge for a troll to live under.
Tuesday, we thought about the pirates in the story. In the story, the pirates are searching for treasure. They sail to different islands in search of a treasure chest. In our creative area, the children designed and made their own treasure chests. They used the cube of a net and practised their cutting, folding and gluing to make some lovely treasures chests, like the ones in the story. As part of our writing, the children got to think of a favourite recipe they may like to write. This was because the troll in our story had a cookbook with his favourite recipe; goat stew!
We carried on thinking about pirates on Wednesday, and we thought about how pirates talk to one another. The children explained that pirates would write messages and put them in a bottle to float in the sea. The children then set about to write their own messages in bottles to send to each other. Whilst at sea, the pirates in the story were searching for treasure travelling to different islands. In the creative area, the children had the chance to make their own islands. They thought about the physical and human features they may like on their islands and they certainly came up with some fantastic suggestions. In the construction area, we set sail and made lots of different boats like the one the pirates sailed on in the story.
We finished our week by celebrating how unique we are and all of the things that make us special. We discussed similarities and differences such as; eye, hair and skin colour, hobbies, talents and likes and dislikes. Children were brilliant at discussing and sharing their ideas about what makes them special. We then used mirrors to look at our features and paint our facial features. Children were so excited to create and explored with mixed media. The children were also encouraged to write a sentence about what they felt makes them unique. They copied the beginning of the sentence and then used their phonic knowledge and tricky words to help them complete their work.
Next week:
We will be reading the story ‘Nat Fantastic and the brave knights of old’. We will share this as a memo on Tapestry.
Any other information:
- Please could children have a coat in school each day. We will be spending as much time outside as possible, including eating our lunch and it can get a little chilly particularly when sitting.
- Please could we remind you to only bring fruit in for snack time.
We hope you have a fun weekend – see you on Monday!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French