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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Summer 2 Week 5

Hello from Lilac and Willow, we’ve been “out of this world” with our learning this week.

This week

This week the children have finished our Space topic.  We watched some videos of moon buggies on space journeys which the children enjoyed and we also learnt about how astronauts use the International Space Station.  The children designed and made their own moon buggies from junk modelling – thank you for all the donations of egg boxes.  The children also finished their space booklets for our class mascots Sam and Lucas.





In Phonics this week we read Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  This gave the children the opportunity to apply their phonic knowledge and practise segmenting and blending to read words including compound words.

In Maths this week we learnt about 2D shapes and learnt to recognise that shapes may have other shapes within them.  The children learnt that, for example, a rectangle can be made up of several squares and a square can be made up of two triangles.  We also made some fantastic rocket pictures using 2D shapes as well.





On Tuesday afternoon Miss Rigg and Miss Rogers came and spent some time in Early Years meeting the children and enjoyed hearing from the children all about their fantastic learning.  The children really enjoyed their transition morning on Thursday where they got to spend time in their new classrooms with their new teachers.





We had a fun filled Friday where the children enjoyed celebrating both Wimbledon and the Euro 2020 final.  The children had the opportunity to play with the tennis rackets and balls as well as lots of other physical activities such as making outdoor obstacle courses and using the hurdles.  The children got to enjoy some traditional strawberries and cream as part of celebrating Wimbledon.  In preparation for the game on Sunday the children made England/Italy flags (some children made both!) and we enjoyed waving them along to the songs ‘Wavin’ Flag’ and ‘Three Lions’ just before home time.





Next week

  • We will be looking back and celebrating our first year in school by revisiting some of the children’s favourite topics.
  • In Phonics, we will continue to practise our phonics reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • In Maths, we will be recapping our previous learning from throughout the year.

Supporting your child at home

  • Distribute items evenly, for example: “Put 3 in each bag,” or give the same number of pieces of fruit to each child. Make deliberate mistakes to provoke discussion.  This will support your child to be able to compare numbers.
  • Draw out common themes from stories, such as bravery, difficult choices and kindness, and talk about children’s experiences with these themes.  By doing this, your child will learn to compare and contrast characters from stories, including figures from the past.
  • Observe and interact with natural processes, such as ice melting, a sound causing a vibration, light travelling through transparent material, an object casting a shadow, a magnet attracting an object and a boat floating on water.  This will encourage your children to explore the natural world around them.

Any other information

  • SCHOOL READING BOOKS – We will be collecting all book banded school reading books on Friday 16th July.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Fisher & Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teacher

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