Hello from Lilac and Willow Class, we’ve had such en enjoyable week with some super learning going on! Thank you for all of your encouragement and help with the children during their return to school, they are working fantastically!
This week:
This week, we read the the story ‘Nat Fantastic and the Brave Knights of Old’ by Giles Andreae.
In the story, Nat is no ordinary boy. He may look like it on the outside, but with one almighty sneeze is enough to turn him into Nat Fantastic. In this story, Nat is taking on the baddies and winning!
Throughout the whole week, we focused on trying to write our own superhero stories, with Nat Fantastic as our inspiration. We asked the question ‘What else could Nat Fantastic turn into?’ The children then drew pictures and wrote about what he could turn into. Each day we worked our way through the story from the beginning, to the middle and then the end. The children came up with some brilliant and original ideas for what Nat might turn into, and demonstrated some fantastic writing skills throughout the week. We were really impressed with how the children used lovely descriptive story language, applied their phonics learning to write their sentences and were increasing their stamina for writing. They certainly are getting ready for year 1! Well done everyone!
We also challenged the children throughout the week with our daily ‘Getting ready for Year 1 Challenge’ focusing on Maths. The children really threw themselves into each challenge and we so keen to do their very best, whilst also showing such great resilience and not giving up. The challenges included ordering and writing the days of the week and months of the year, using the same squared paper that the children in Year 1 do to write number sentences and then finally to use a ruler.
In Maths, we were revisiting our learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. I wonder if your child can explain the difference between 2D and 3D shapes, or remember any of the properties of the different shapes? Perhaps they’d like to watch these videos to help jog their memory (or perhaps just for a giggle).
In our creative and construction areas we were designing and making all things knights and castles. The children had lots of pictures to inspire their own designs for castles, as well as the types of flags they might like to fly from their castles, as well as family shields/crests such as the ones a knight may have on his suit of armour. They came up with some very good knight related apparel.
Next week:
We will be reading the story ‘The Rhyming Rabbit’ by Julia Donaldson. Please follow the link to listen to the story. The Rhyming Rabbit Story
Any other information:
- Please could children have a coat in school each day. We will be spending as much time outside as possible, including eating our lunch and it can get a little chilly particularly when sitting.
- Please could we remind you to only bring fruit in for snack time.
We hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend – see you on Monday!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French