Hello from Lilac and Willow Class, what a lovely week we have had!
This week:
This week, we read the story ‘The Rhyming Rabbit’ by Julia Donaldson.
Poor old Rhyming Rabbit is feeling lonely and left out. None of his fellow rabbits appreciate his carefully thought-out rhyming poems. And as for the other animals he meets? They just tell him to be quiet! Then one starry night he meets someone who shares his enthusiasm for poetry. All week our learning centred around rhymes and by the end of the week, the children liked to rhyme rhyme rhyme…all of the time!
Our creative activities included children making 2 items that rhyme e.g. socks and fox, frog and log, as well as making puppets and finger puppets of their favourite nursery rhyme character. Upon reading the book the children were reminded that rabbits like to make tunnels, so they decided that they wanted to make tunnels in the construction area. The children also had lots of fun with nursery rhyme related construction such as the wall from Humpty Dumpty and London Bridge. We spent time singing some of our favourite nursery rhymes and had lots of opportunities for writing including lists of rhyming words, zig zag rhyming books and nursery rhyme books. Can your child tell you what their favourite nursery rhyme is and why using the word because e.g. “My favourite nursery rhyme is Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer because I like it when the aliens whoosh off into space!”
In Maths this week the children were learning about measuring. To measure means to find out the size of something.
The children spent the week measuring weight, length, capacity and time. They enjoyed lots of practical opportunities to practise their measuring skills, whilst also using lots of language of comparison such as heavier, lighter, longer, shorter, full and empty. Why not challenge your child to use comparative language to measure at home in different contexts, e.g. capacity of mixing bowls and tins whilst making a cake, length of plants and trees whilst out in the garden.
Next week:
On Thursday morning we will be having our very own specially adapted Reception Sports Day.
These will take place in each bubble and throughout the week, the children will be practising 5 races: Bean bag and bat, sprint races, obstacle course, throwing and hurdles. Please can you make sure that your children come in to school every day in suitable clothing for doing sport.
Any other information:
- SNACK TIME – Please could we remind you to only bring fruit in for snack time.
We hope you have an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Fisher and Mr French