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A Year 6 Class Post

Rehearsals and Yearbooks!

What a busy week it has been!

We have written our entries for our class Yearbooks, which will be handed out at the end of term and made the most of the beautiful weather to have our individual photos taken to accompany them. We are looking forward to seeing the completed books next month.

As historians, we have analysed and discussed the chronology of HMS Victory, Carisbrooke Castle and Osborne House before consolidating our sketching skills to draw picture of one of them. the results have been lovely!

in PSHE we have considered the influence of the media and peer pressure regarding physical self-image.

Rounders has proven very successful and popular, with batting, bowling, catching and fielding skills developing as well as team support and sporting behaviour.

We have started our rehearsals for Peter Pan and have been absolutely delighted by the effort and commitment the children have shown this week. They are learning their lines, cues and stage directions very well and the singers are singing heartily. The backstage people have already made lots of wonderful props and scenery. Rehearsal sessions will be honed over the next three weeks to concentrate on specifics in preparation for the performances during the week beginning July 4th.

We are looking forward to Sports Week next week: please come in PE kit!

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