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A Year 2 Class Post

Second Week of Autumn 2

As writers we have started writing our very own non-fiction texts using our scientific knowledge of habitats. We are very excited to share them with you at our open evening!

As mathematicians we have been learning how to find number bonds to 100 with numbers with tens and ones. (e.g. 46 + 54 = 100) We used the rule “first find how many more ones, then how many more tens.” We also explored adding three 1 digit numbers together and used our knowledge of doubles or number bonds to help us (e.g. to solve 6 + 2 + 4 first we do 6 + 4 to make 10, then add the 2).

As Geographers we have started exploring the capital cities in the UK. We started by looking at London and we learnt how to use grid references (e.g. B4) to help us identify different human and physical features in the city.

As digital learners we have been learning about online safety. We all know 5 adults we could speak to if we were worried about something online. We also learnt how to use the programme ‘2respond’ on Purple Mash to send our very own emails. We discussed that everything we send online has to be sensible and kind!

5 Ways to address online safety - 2simple.com

As scientists we have been learning about the life cycle of humans. We discovered what humans can do at each stage of the life cycle and found the difference between what babies and toddlers can do.

We have also enjoyed continuing our physical enrichment activities this week. Hawthorn have loved playing ‘Stuck in the mud’ on the field! We have been using our agility skills to move quickly to get away from the taggers! Oak class used bean bags and tennis rackets to throw and catch bean bags. All children really enjoy their enrichment activities and it is a lovely way to spend some of Friday afternoon!

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