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A Year 2 Class Post

Spring 1 Week 2

Year 2 have had a brilliant first week back at school!

As writers we have read the book ‘That Rabbit belongs to Emily Brown’ and used drama to explore the recurring language throughout the book. We imagined we were the commanders in the story and wrote a list of expanded noun phrases that we would swap BunnyWunny for.

That Rabbit Belongs To Emily Brown : Cowell, Cressida, Layton, Neal: Amazon.co.uk: Books

As mathematicians we have started learning about the properties of 2D shapes. We created our own 2D shapes with lolly sticks to help us count the sides of 2D shapes. Then we used string to create 2D shapes and used our fingers to represent the vertices.


As scientists we became inventors and created new uses for different materials by thinking about the properties of materials (e.g. we can make a ruler out of wood because it is smooth and stiff.)

As historians we learnt about the explorer Neil Armstrong and his moon landing.

“This is what he wore when he went to the moon.”

“This is the launch in 1969”.

“This is his crew and the other 2 men are Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.”

“They watched Neil Armstrong land on the moon on TV”.


Hawthorn have really enjoyed their enrichment activity this week – archery and bocchia! The children really loved it and some of them are keen to get archery sets for their garden!!

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