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A Year 2 Class Post

Spring 2 Week 1

We have had a brilliant first week back from half term!

As writers we have read the text ‘On the way home’. We have then explored different sentence types in the story (statements, questions and exclamations.) We are looking forward to starting to plan and write our own version of the story next week.

On the Way Home : Murphy, Jill: Amazon.co.uk: Books


As mathematicians we have continued our learning on multiplication and division and have now been taught all of our 2, 5 and 10x table multiplication and division facts. We are all really excited to start playing Times Table Rock Stars to help us become experts in these times tables!

King's Academy College Park - TT Rockstars

As designers we have started our DT topic where we will be designing, making and evaluating our very own puppets! First we explored a range of puppets and then developed our sewing skills by learning how to do a running stitch and an over stitch.


As designers, we spent time thinking carefully and designing our puppet, which is going to be a character from the story ‘That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown’. The children chose their favourite character for their puppet and thought about what decorations they will add in their design. Take a look at some of these super designs!


As physical learners, we have continued to explore with balances, movement and rolls using the equipment safely. It was wonderful to see so many children challenge themselves.

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to next week where we will complete our puppets!

The Year 2 team

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