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A Year 1 Class Post

Spring Term – Amazing Places and Spaces in the UK

A very Happy New Year to you all, we hope that you had a lovely break.  What a busy first week back we’ve had, the time has really flown by with so much learning already started and more yet to come.

This term, our topic in Year 1 is called Amazing Places and Spaces in the UK.

As geographers, we will:

Learn about the countries and capitals of the United Kingdom,
Discover some of the physical and human features of the United Kingdom and
Carry out a study of the location of the school.

We will find out about some of the great monuments, sculptures and buildings of the United Kingdom.  We will learn about the national days of each country: St. George’s Day in England, St. Andrew’s Day in Scotland, St. David’s Day in Wales and St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland.

When we study the location of the school we will pick out the most interesting features and study some of the wildlife that we see throughout the seasons.

As scientists, we will:

Observe seasonal change,
Study the habits of British wildlife,
Study the main features of plants and trees and
Examine food chains in the British countryside.

As writers, we will:

Present information,
Write reports and
Create stories.

As artists, we will:
Draw and paint images of the places we study and
Create sculptures inspired by our research of sculptures around the United Kingdom.

As mathematicians, we will:

Add and subtract by comparing quantities and
Use statistics by collecting information about places.


Thank you for all your continued support throughout Autumn Term, we’re really looking forward to all the learning opportunities ahead during the Spring Term.

Mr French and Miss Swinburne
Hazel & Birch Class Teachers

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