The start of the Spring Term has been very busy in Year 3 and the children have come back to school with a great focus and enthusiasm for our new topics and for learning.
In English we have travelled the world through the fantastic Atlas of Adventures, turning the classroom into an aeroplane and travelling through the book to exciting places such as Finland where we saw the Northern lights, Paris where we visited the Louvre, the Amazon Rainforest and down the Zambezi River. Each day we have improved our literacy skills by completing some lovely writing activities. Here is a photo of our visits to different places around the world that celebrate exciting festivals
In Science we have been investigating different types of rocks and have carried out lots of hands-on exploring thinking about the different properties that rocks have and how they might be used for different purposes.
In RE we are exploring the question: What does it mean to be part of a Faith Community? To help us to answer this question we visited Christchurch and met with the wonderfully welcoming Minister – Val Reid. We found out about all different aspects of being part of a Christian community. We had a lot of very challenging questions for her. Every child in Year 3 was a real credit to the school on this short trip.
To begin our exciting Geography topic on Natural disasters we have been learning about the structure of the Earth. We create our own earth’s that showed the different layers of the earth. Click here if you want to make one at home….
What a busy first two weeks of term!