Hello again! Having spoken to a few parents about the struggles they are having to get their children to write, I thought it might be helpful to write a short blog about this topic. Writing is a life skill that we all need to learn how to do, however, we do not need to write every day; lots of us record using computers and therefore we should not forget to consider this as an option when supporting our children with their writing. Whilst at home, it is a good time to teach your child the skill of touch typing (from Year 3 onwards is the ideal time to get started). Here is a link to an advice sheet from the SpLD support team with lots of alternatives to writing for you to consider Alternatives to Writing. They mention touch typing at the end. I would like to add that BBC Dance Mat typing is a great programme, that is fun and free to access as well as English Type Junior (but this one has a cost).
I hope this advice helps you with supporting you child at home in some way. Happy writing!
With very best wishes,
Mrs. Kenny