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A Year 2 Class Post

Summer 1 Week 2

Hello everybody! We have had a fantastic start to the Summer term, with lots of fabulous learning and excitement from the children since settling back into school life.

As writers, we have enjoyed exploring the creation story ‘Tiddalick the frog’ and have designed our own characters for the story which we will begin to write next week.

Tiddalick, the Greedy Frog: An Aboriginal Dreamtime Story (Fiction Readers)  : Wu, Nicholas: Amazon.co.uk: Books

As mathematicians, we have been busy measuring in metres and centimetres, and solving problems when measuring involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and subtraction.


As Scientists we have started our topic of ‘Plants’. We used our observation skills to explore a range of seeds and then used our predicting skills to suggest what the seeds might grow into. We will use our newly learnt measuring skills to help us measure the growth of the plants over the next few weeks.

As Historians, we have started to explore our topic ‘The Plague’. We explored sources to discover how the plague spread throughout Europe and arrived in London 1665.

Both Oak and Hawthorn have enjoyed enrichment activities over the last two weeks. Hawthorn class have been den building with sticks, crates, netting and a range of other materials. They have been brilliant at team work, listening to others’ ideas and being creative thinkers as they build their dens.


Oak class have enjoyed developing their hoola-hooping skills!


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