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A Year 2 Class Post

Summer 2 Week 1

Welcome back, we hope you all have a lovely half term and are feeling refreshed and excited for the final term in Year 2!

We have had an excellent first week back – the children have settled back in beautifully showing excellent behaviour and learning.

As mathematicians, we have started learning to tell the time. We have re-capped o clock and half past, and learnt to tell the time to quarter to the hour and quarter past the hour. The children have done really well but this does require lots of practice, so if you would like to do some practicing at home here are some ideas of ways you could do this:

  • Play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ – if you have an analogue toy clock instead of saying out loud the time, show them the clock and your child can read the time and say it out loud.
  • Look at analogue watches and clocks around the house and discuss the time, e.g. it’s 9 o clock now, what time will it be in half an hour?
  • Online games – a game called ‘Clocking in’ on top marks is very good for o clock and half past!

Clock Prompt Sheet - o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to - Printable Teaching Resources - Print Play Learn | Teaching social skills, Printable teaching resources, Teaching resources primary

As writers, we have explored poems by Michael Rosen’s. We were inspired by his poem ‘ Down behind the dustbin  ‘. Firstly we generated rhyming words and then we created our own poems.

Poetry Please! Poetry Investigation Unit | Teaching Resources

As religious learners, we explored the Christian creation story. We read the creation story in Genesis in the Bible and then made our own books telling the Christian creation story.


As Historians, we started our topic ‘Great Fire of London’. We were VERY excited about making our own  time lines, putting the events of the great fire of London in order.

As Scientists, we learnt what ‘germination’ means and started a science experiment to see what conditions a seed needs to germinate.

As physical learners, we are preparing for sports day by learning the skills to be an effective running – for example, head up, looking straight ahead, and running all the way to the end without slowing down!

We have had a very fun, busy week and look forward to next week, especially Tuesday where we will dress up for our exciting Great Fire of London day!



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