This week as writers we have started preparing to write our own recounts, imagining we were alive during the Great Fire of London.
As mathematicians we have learnt to tell the time to 5 minutes. This is a skill that we need to continue practising at home!
As historians we had the most amazing day where we were transported to London in 1666. In the morning we had the opportunity to visit different shops and create our own products (e.g. we visited the candle makers and made candles, visited the seamstress and did our own sewing)! In the afternoon we then completed an archaeological dig, exploring artefacts from a house that had burnt down and then deciding whose house they belonged to.
“I enjoyed making the medicine and sewing the handkerchiefs”– Lilah
“I liked making the medicine and making cures for people” – Sienna
“I really enjoyed being a leather worker because you could make your name using a nail and a hammer” – Bobby
“I loved the digging because you could see what artefacts were in there” – Vasudha