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A Year 2 Class Post

Summer 2 Week 4

The children have enjoyed another busy week in Year 2!

As mathematicians, we have explored mass and capacity this week. The children investigated with different weights to work out how much items weigh in grams and kilograms, and also learnt how to read measurements accurately on scales. The children were fantastic at solving problems with capacity, for example; 3 cups fill up 1 jug, so how many cups do you need to fill up 5 jugs?

As writers, we used all of our fantastic writing skills and history knowledge to write a recount of The Great Fire of London. The children each wrote a page of their diary in their best handwriting using a PEN! We were so impressed with how neatly the children wrote with a pen and cannot wait for you to see their recounts at the open evening this Wednesday.

As artists, we explored different techniques using pastels, including feathering, side stroking and little strokes. The children put these skills together to create a scene from the Great Fire of London. We really look forward to you seeing these at the open evening too!


As Geographers we have learnt about Australia and how it is split up into different states and territories. We first used a map to piece all of the states and territories together, then we created our own maps using keys to identify their names and their capital cities.


The children have all met their new teacher for next year and have really enjoyed spending some time in their new classroom for September. We will continue with transition activities over the next couple of weeks.


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