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A Year 1 Class Post

Summer 2 Week 4

What a brilliant week!

In English, in the last couple of weeks, we have been looking at the book There’s a Tiger in the Garden by Lizzie Stewart. We have enhanced our descriptive skills to write dragonfly poetry and descriptions of Grandma’s garden. We also used our questioning and drama skills to write conversations between Nora and the grumpy Polar Bear. We used all of this this week to write and publish our own adventure stories about Nora and the Tiger. We look forward to sharing them with you!

There's a Tiger in the Garden by Lizzy Stewart

We learnt about time in maths this week. We used time language like before, after, morning, evening etc. We then went on to problem solve using our knowledge of days of the weeks and months. Finally, ending the week by learning to tell, make and write the time to the O’clock.

In PE, we have been practicing our Sports Day skills. We have been running, practicing javelin, and working on other PE skills.

We have also enjoyed taking part in our enrichment this week. Hazel have been doing field golf where they have been practicing their aiming and hitting skills with a club. Birch have been having a hoola hoop disco, dancing and hoola hooping to music.

Next week:


  • We will be spending Thursday morning with our new teachers in Year 2
  • We will be learning about plants in science
  • We will be expanding our maths time knowledge to tell the time to half past, compare time and writing time
  • In English, we will be looking at the book Alien Tea on Planet Zum-Zee by Tony Mitton and Guy Parker-Rees

Alien Tea on the Planet Zum-Zee: Amazon.co.uk: Tony Mitton, Guy  Parker-Rees: 9781408314135: Books

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