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A Year 6 Class Post

Summer Term in Year 6.

Welcome to the final term!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Mrs Reed into Year 6; she will be working four days with Mrs Tarr teaching on a Wednesday.

We have only had three days this week but we are so proud at how the children have responded to the challenges. As our final opportunity to practise for the tests in a few weeks, we have revised test techniques and conditions whilst sitting a past paper. We have been extremely impressed by the children’s resilience and performance and have constantly reassured the that we know that they will try their best.

We have continued our studies as geographers by studying the Marine biome, with the children taking control of their learning by choosing which aspect to look at and how to present their work.

PE has seen us starting our unit of work on cricket, whilst enrichment has provided opportunities to develop our tri-golf and table tennis skills. Not at the same time.

Once again, we are proud of the children’s attitude. the next couple of weeks will be focused carefully on the areas highlighted by the outcomes of our assessments as well as continuing to offer the broad, full curriculum.

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