What a Summer Term we’ve had so far, and it’s only been three weeks!
In English, we have been writing colour poetry and exploring two texts. We have been working hard to make sure that we are always using our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in our writing. We have done some lovely creative writing, using our adjectives to describe settings. We have worked on our questioning skills and applied this to writing fact files. We have also been combining sentences to write short stories and challenged ourselves to use ‘and’ and interesting vocabulary in our writing.
In the first few weeks, we have revisited place value in numbers under 20, we have practiced counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and recapped addition and subtraction within 20. We have lately moved onto multiplication and division, by looking at equal groups, arrays and repeated addition.
In Jigsaw, we have been thinking about relationships with our families and our friends. We have explored what makes a family and how to be a good friend.
We have completed two projects! We have been working on our fieldwork skills in Geography, by learning about compasses, mapping the Outside Learning Area and thinking about how we can make improvements. We did a lot of talking and listening, sharing our ideas about how to make a better learning environment. Our History project was also locally based. Using our questioning skills, we asked historical questions, explored local historical figures and discussed changes around Hitchin through history.
We have also started an Art project based around animals and sculpture. This week we put our painting skills to the test by learning how to colour mix to create secondary colours. We are going to use this skill next week to create animal illustrations in the style of Eric Carle.
Next Week:
- We will be continuing with multiplication and division, sharing and grouping
- We will be exploring the book The Proudest Blue
- In PE we will be continuing with our teamwork skills
- In Science we will be learning about the features of birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians