We’ve had a busy term so far, developing our learning across the curriculum.
In maths, we have been improving our reasoning and problem solving skills and developing our understanding of place value, fractions, percentages and decimals. We have also been reminding ourselves of the formal written calculation methods for multiplication and division.
In English we have been writing and performing poems. Year 5 have written some great raps, some of which we filmed and look forward to showing you at the Open Evening in July. We were also very lucky to take part in the Hitchin Museum workshops and the pupils wrote their own versions of the Jack O’Legs traditional tale that we learnt about. These will be on display as part of the Museum’s exhibition on Saturday 10th June. Please go along and see some examples of our work.
Before half term, History-off-the-Page visited and we had a great day being Ancient Greeks, learning more about life in Ancient Athens. We will continue to learn about how the Greeks influenced us, exploring Greek democracy (linking to the General Election) and the Elgin marbles, and buildings and entertainment in Ancient Greece.
Mrs Sewell continues to teach Science, looking at life cycles this term. This will lead on to our Sex and Relationships lessons later in the term. Also later this term, we are very lucky to be able to visit The Priory School for a Meet the Author session (details to follow) and the Y5 Wellbeing day.
And of course, rehearsals for The Lion King are in full swing! We look forward to welcoming you to our productions in July.