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A Year 4 Class Post

The Night Box, Musical instruments and Christmas cards already??

Hello again from Year 4,

This week we have been really busy throwing ourselves into our topics for this term. We have started our new English project the Night Box, where we become authors of our own versions in just a few short weeks! The children have been focusing on description and figurative language such as similes, personification and onomatopoeia. Next week, we hope to apply these to our school surroundings on a (hopefully!) bright Autumn’s day.
In Science, we begun our unit on sound by looking at different instruments and the types of sound they made. The classes both loved playing the different instruments and creating different sounds.
Finally, we have been working hard on creating our designs for the SLPA Christmas cards that will be winging their way home very shortly. We can’t quite believe we’ve been thinking about Christmas already but the classes have thoroughly enjoyed creating their designs.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Farnell and Miss Shepherd

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