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A Year 1 Class Post

The UK

We have been doing a lot “travelling” this week finding out lots of interesting and exciting things about the United Kingdom.

Why not ask your child these questions just for fun (and hopefully they’ll be able to answer them):

  1. a) How many countries make up the United Kingdom? b) What are they called?
  2. What is the name of the largest country in the United Kingdom?
  3. True or False, Cardiff is the capital city of England?
  4. What colours are there in the Union Jack flag?
  5. True or False, the thistle is the national flower of Scotland?

We will continue our travels further across the UK over the next few weeks investigating some of the many fantastic physical and human features of the United Kingdom.  If you have visited any famous landmarks; either natural or manmade, and have photos we would love to share them in each class.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr French & Miss Swinburne
Hazel & Birch Class Teachers

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