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A Year 6 Class Post

Transition and mindfulness

We have had a busy Friday with two lots of visitors in school to work with Year 6.  Zac from .breathe has been in to complete another mindful session, this has been all about the importance of sleep and how important it is that we get enough. The children have learned about some of the distractions from stopping them sleeping and some techniques that helps them to sleep.   The resources from these are on Google classroom if the children wish to access them.



Phase have been in for their final visit all about getting ready for secondary school. The children have been provided with a booklet with support ideas to bring home with them.


We have been busy rehearsing for the play and getting our project books ready to share with you this afternoon.  Anyone who is unable to attend the open classroom sessions this afternoon, the booklets will be sent home at the end of term for you to see.


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