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A Year 6 Class Post

Two Days in Year 6!

Despite only being in school for two days, we’ve certainly managed to achieve a lot!

The children have been really keen and have impressed us with their positivity after the holidays.

Both classes have produced some great display pieces on the Maya Civilisation, drawing their information from a variety of sources.

In maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of place value to include numbers with up to three  decimal places and next week we shall be using that knowledge to multiply and divide those numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and by integers.

PE saw us launch our Dance unit based on the Titanic. Already, the children are showing fantastic commitment and creativity which has impressed myself and Mr Smith.

In RE, we have retold the story of Prince Siddharta in groups and feel sure that we could retell the tale orally to anyone who would like to listen!

A great start to the spring term and we hope very much that it continues in this very positive manner!




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