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A Year 5 Class Post

Walnut- Red Nose Day!

Red nose day activities

Today, we celebrated Red Nose day at Samuel Lucas School to raise money for Comic relief. We learnt about how the Comic relief organisation help raise money for those people with tougher lives than us.

In Walnut class, our class target we agreed on was Β£60 as we wanted a realistic, achievable goal of Β£2 per child. We are so surprised and overjoyed that from our bake sale and picnic efforts, we raised a MASSIVE Β£202 which contributed to our school total of Β£2,263 (as of 2.45pm).

β€œI think Red Nose Day is a great reason to give money to charity and for people in need!” – Mara

β€œI think Red Nose Day is an event where everyone has pitched in to raise money as a class and has made giving money really fun to do! We got to help children in need.” – Annabel

β€œI think a lot of people smashing their targets out of the park is fantastic which is exactly what we did!! – Henry

β€œI think it was fun that all the children got involved to raise money for children who need it more than us.”- Amelie

β€œRed nose day is a good way to have fun whilst learning about helping others with tougher lives.” – Jamal

β€œI think the way we did Red Nose day was very good in an effective way to raise money because everyone bought in and had a GREAT cake snack. That donation money will go to a very good cause.” –Max

β€œI think it is good we are doing something fun to help others.”- Dan


I am extremely proud of all the children and our class and thank you for all your support and help with this too!

Proud Walnut class and Miss Mai

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