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A Year 5 Class Post

Walnut’s Autumn term coming to an end!

Our final blog for the term written by Year 5 Walnut children (typed by Miss Mai):

When we started year 5, we started the day in our old classroom with our year 4 teacher Mrs Farnell then spent the afternoons getting used to our new year 5 classroom and teacher Miss Mai. It was a strange time when we returned back to school after having five months off due to the pandemic that changed our everyday life. We had to stay in our class bubble to ensure we were safe and also allowed us to get to know our new teachers.

We were all really scared, nervous or excited to be back because it was a new start and it was a big jump into upper key stage 2. It was a hard time to move into year 5 because Covid was still around and we could not see our other friends in other classes or even eat in the dinner hall like old times. We felt that it was not normal and almost like we were in a different time- it just wasn’t the same!

However, to our delight, we realised soon after we returned that school was fun as we were learning all new things everyday. As more weeks passed, we started getting comfortable and enjoyed the challenge that year 5 presented us with. We have learned about:

  • Free write
  • Year 5 writing tools: fronted adverbials, modal verbs, figurative language, conjunctions, embedded clauses, abstract nouns, parenthesis! and how to use them appropriately
  • Space
  • Forces
  • North America- we even created our own travel brochures
  • Native Americans
  • Perspective drawings
  • Perimeter and area
  • Shadows
  • Rounding
  • Biographies
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000
  • Football rounders
  • Communication and tactics
  • Traditional tales
  • Celebrating differences
  • Black history
  • Racism
  • Bullying
  • Touch typing
  • Coding
  • Designer bags- different designer bags using textiles
  • Prime numbers
  • Impressionism- recreate an artwork
  • French cities and towns
  • Zones of regulation
  • Column addition and subtraction
  • Basketball in PE and music
  • Dream catchers and tipis
  • The history of Hitchin
  • Human rights
  • Explanation texts
  • Christmas songs
  • PEE-ing in whole class reading

Look at all the wonderful things we have added to our year 5 learning journey, we have learnt so much in the past 14 weeks of year 5 and look forward to Spring term!

“Year 5 has been such a surprise during a crazy pandemic!” Mara

“I have loved this year in year 5 and have had such amazing lessons!” Max

“It makes me smile!” Joshua

“I loved all the challenges that I had to face and accomplished as it made me learn new things. ” Esme

“Looking back at this term, I can’t believe how much I have learnt!” Verity

“We have learnt all of this and it has only been 14 weeks, imagine how much learning we will do at the end of the year!” Emily

“We have learnt so much, I think I am ready for my SATS!” Henry

“It may seem like year 5 has been ruined because of Corona virus but it has been even better than previous years!” Annie

“I am so proud of my magnificent humans in my Walnut class! They work so hard and proved to be resilient learners and I can’t wait for the rest of the year!” Miss Mai



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