Our Learning > Our Classes

A Reception Class Post

Week 2 in Reception

This week:

The children are settling into school life well as they continue to explore and become familiar with their new environment. We have been enjoying getting to know the children, through play and hearing more about the treasure summer home learning. We have been supporting the children with turn taking by playing games and modelling these key skills. We have been working in small groups to develop listening and attention skills, as well as building oral blending and segmenting skills to help the children become ready to start their whole class phonics lessons. In maths we have been singing number rhymes and practising counting.

We discussed the sad news of the Queen passing and we used different types of media to create some beautiful flower collages, painting and pictures which we have added to the whole school display to show our respect for the Queen.

Next week:

We will be continuing to spend lots of time in the environment with your children supporting them in their play. We will begin Monster Phonics and will be building on their maths counting skills.

You can help by: -Ensuring all items of clothing, water bottles etc are named please -Working with your child to help them practise taking their jumpers on and off independently and rolling up their sleeve for handwashing

-Play games with your child to support their listening skills and hearing initial sounds in words; e.g ‘What sound can you hear at the beginning of ‘dog’?’

-Supporting with their oral blending of simple words such as ‘Can you put on your ‘c-oa-t?’


Class blog:

As we continue throughout the year, we will use the Class Blog as a means of regular communication between school and home. We will tell you about:

1. What’s happened during each week

2. What’s coming up

3. Ideas about supporting your child at home

4. Any other information you may need to know


– We look forward to seeing all of the children in school at 08:45am

– Pick up will be at 3:15pm

– 20.09.22 – Parent information evening. 7.00-8.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a good weekend.

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