Year 2 have had a fantastic week at school!
In maths the children have been learning about measuring in cm and m and have been busy measuring objects in and around the classroom.
In Science we have applied our measuring skills to see how tall our plants had grown so far. We also used our observation skills to explore bulbs. We then set up an experiment where we will leave the bulbs above water in a dark place. We will continue to check on the bulbs over the next few weeks to see if our predictions were correct.
We have introduced our DT topic of Puppets this week and the children got to explore a range of puppets, thinking about how they move and the materials they are made from.
Today Year 2 had their first Physical Enrichment Activity! Hawthorn class enjoyed hoola-hooping, and Oak class enjoyed participating in either archery, boccia or curling. The children absolutely loved having this opportunity for an extra physical activity and are really looking forward to this happening every Friday.