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A Year 2 Class Post

Week 4 Spring 1

What another busy week year 2 have had!

As writers we have written our own explanation texts based on ‘Monsters: An owner’s guide’. We each chose our own monster to write our guide about, and included features like headings, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to make our work interesting.

Scribble Street News: ā€œMONSTERS - An Owner's Guideā€ PRIZE COMPETITION

As mathematicians we have started our statistics learning. We have created tally charts, pictograms and have interpreted them. We learnt about the importance of always looking at a key when creating a pictogram as pictures can sometimes represent more than 1 (e.g. 2, 5 or 10).

As scientists we have explored how materials can be shaped when forces act on them (e.g. can you pull it, bend it, squash it). We enjoyed experimenting on how different materials react to different forces.

As readers we have enjoyed taking part in National Storytelling week by listening to a range of stories told by different authors. Hawthorn class also had the opportunity to read stories with Walnut class.

As religious learners we had a virtual tour of St Mark’s church by the vicar. We are very excited about the opportunity to ask him lots of interesting questions about the church and Christianity next week!

This week we started our new physical enrichment activities and Oak class thoroughly enjoyed speed stacking.

We are really looking forward to feeling good week next week… Don’t forget to wear your PE clothes each day!


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