Welcome back to Autumn 2!
Thank you so much for supporting Year 3 at their first harvest festival before half term! They did so well and we are all super proud of them here at Samuel Lucas.
Due to a technical fault, we have yet to post from just before half term. The class did a wonderful job creating topographical maps for Geography showing the land types in Europe and marking on rivers and seas.
We also finished drawing and constructing our creatures ready for animating after half term- the creativity was incredible!
This week has been a busy week- we have really dived in!
Ash Class played host to Miss Brind’s teddy, Pickle. We really enjoyed having him with us and the class got him involved in lots of different activities (they even built him a car!)
In Science, we have begun looking at forces. We investigated different objects around the classroom and whether a ‘push’ or ‘pull’ force was needed to make it move.
We have also begun our journey as inventors and designers by looking at different types of pencil cases- we can’t wait to make our own!
Have a lovely weekend!
Team Year 3