Welcome to the new Year 5 Walnut and Maple classes!
We have all had a relaxing break over the summer and we’ve hit the ground running in our first days back at school. As we had home learning for the last term and half of Year 4, to start, we are revising and recapping our prior Y4 knowledge and skills, returning to Place Value in Maths and expanding our vocabulary in English. We have created vocabulary ladders to make a ‘basic’ word more effective e.g. instead of tired, we can use the word fatigued or lethargic. We were able to use our vocabulary ladders during our writing task ‘Here I am’ character diary entry. We even used our acting skills to act our different emotions and putting words to our ‘Here I am’ wordless text study.
We know that, sometimes, we have to reflect on what we know already before adding more to our learning journey!
As a school, we have started to explore the Zones of regulation which allows us to reflect and understand our emotions and what events or things affect our emotions. We do a ‘zones check in’ during the day and are learning what tools and strategies we can use to help us identify what zone we are and what will help us return back to green zone-a happy, ready for learning zone.
It’s safe to say, we’re feeling inspired and looking forward to engaging in our learning for the foreseeable future!
Here are some photos of some of our activities and work this week;