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A Year 6 Class Post

What a lovely week!

We all had a really great day on Wednesday in year 6! Wearing a bright jumper always brings out the festive nature in everyone and as we ran our “Santa Canta” the designs and colours were a real treat to see. Well done to all who participated and thank you if you raised sponsorship money too.

The day progressed with craft activities which the children really loved. Many thanks to the SLPA who funded our decorations and calendars, which the children will be taking home next week.

The Christmas lunch was very well received and, although we couldn’t celebrate in our usual way, music was played and a good time was had by all.

We have been busy with our Stained glass windows and finishing our Volcano games too.

And, last but not least, it was so great to welcome Mrs Hughes back on Thursday! We are all looking forward to the final week and the other treats which lay in store……..

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