Another week has flown by! We have been absolutely delighted with the “Spiderwick” style reports our children have written. They have really taken on board all the learning which has taken place prior to them writing about their own fictional characters. As well as showing wonderful imagination, they have been able to apply complex sentence structure, high-end grammar and appropriate vocabulary to their pieces….. we can’t wait to share their work with you.
Art has been really enjoyable too…. the culmination of observational work on Rousseau and real -life sketching through colour mixing to producing wonderful collages based on the book “Where The Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak.
As geographers, we have learned about the first transcontinental railroad in North America, where our mapping and wool-sticking skills came to the fore and as historians we have deepened our knowledge of greek architecture and observed its influence in a Hertfordshire church (Ayot St Lawrence).
Maths has seen us consolidating the skill of multiplying 4 digits by 2 digits and then being able to apply this knowledge to worded problems. Next week we shall be visiting division and ensuring that the basics are in place before moving onto the harder applications of long division.
The children have enjoyed tag rugby and the PE enrichment and both Mrs Butterworth and myself are so pleased with how seriously both classes are taking their reading at home; we thank you for your support in this important matter.