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A Year 6 Class Post

Wonderful Wednesday

It HAS been wonderful. The children were delighted to receive your letters this morning during breakfast and took them in their stride. Blackgang Chine certainly lived up to expectations; everyone went on the water slides which I believe was the highlight of the time there. The weather has been fantastic and our fossil hunting experience in the afternoon was absolutely beautiful. Although we did not unearth a complete T Rex skeleton, we did find a number of items which genuinely impressed our guide, Steve. You may have to clear a space on your window sill in preparation. Again, we have been so proud of everyone; bedtimes are an absolute joy. The children are quick to settle down and fall asleep and many DO need to be woken in good time for breakfast! The forecast for tomorrow isn’t quite so brilliant but we will, as always, make the best of whatever conditions come our way. We cannot believe that it is Thursday tomorrow; the time is absolutely flying by.


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