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A Year 1 Class Post

Year 1 18.11

In Year 1 this week, we have begun learning the songs for our Christmas performance (Hosanna Rock). The children have been sent home with the lyrics to learn. Please use the below link below for all of the songs. We have also sent home 100 high frequency words with the children in their reading bags. Please could you practise reading and writing them with your child. Once they are confident on a line, they can move onto the next. We will be sending home the next 100 high frequency words in the new Year.

In science, we have been learning about the weather and learning how to understand a weather forecast. In history, we have continued learning about Christopher Columbus and understandingĀ  what he did and why he did it. In English, we have been retelling our own version of The Gingerbread Man. In maths, we have been learning to subtract using part whole models.

Our Year 1 Christmas performance will be on Monday 12th December.

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