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A Year 1 Class Post

Year 1 Autumn 1 Week 1 & 2

We have had a very busy fortnight in Year 1 and the children have been fantastic settling back into school life.

We have been enjoying reading story Peter Pan as part of our English.  The children have written some lovely lists and super sentences to describe the characters and events in the story.  The adults in Year 1 are very impressed with how hard the children have been working to form all of their letters correctly. use their phonics to help with spellings and remembering to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In maths, the children have been building upon some of their key learning from Reception around Number and Place Value by looking at matching numerals to sets of objects and words, recognising numbers as words and counting on from any number.

As scientists, we have been finding out about materials and their properties by naming different materials and finding examples of them in our classes.  We then spent some time discussing the properties of these different materials using lots of fantastic scientific vocabulary such as hard, smooth and transparent.

In Art, we have been using printing as a technique for painting and discovering how we can mix primary colours to make secondary colours.

As Geographers this term, we will be learning about the United Kingdom.  So far this term, we have spent time gathering information about England.

In RE, we have been discussing how we feel when we celebrate special occasions and gave examples of the kinds of things we celebrate such as birthdays, weddings and Christmas.  We have also examined the features of celebrations and spent time making party hats, sending invitations and wrapping and giving presents.

It has been lovely seeing the children working so hard and trying their best in all of their learning.  Well done everyone!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Houlihan and Mr French

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