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A Reception Class Post

Year 1 Autumn Update

Year 1 are settling into their new classes really well.

In English, we are practising precursive letter formation and developing sentence structure. Year 1 will be learning and using new vocabulary through recounts and poetry. How language will be explored through role play, retelling and organising events.

In Maths we have been counting, reading, writing and understanding number. We will be using many manipulatives to embed our understanding. We will be learning how to set out, present and write number sentences.

In Science we are learning about weather and the seasons. Using our senses to explore changes in the weather and decide what clothes to wear. Later on we will be focussing on learning about ourselves and how different parts of our bodies help us.

In our topic we are learning about where we live and how we used to live. We will be using the works of Samuel Lucas to show how Hitchin has changed and also visiting the local town.

In RE we are exploring how individuals and different religious communities are thankful. Each religion is thankful during these autumn winter months therefore the children will learn how each religion celebrates these seasons.
In PE we are developing different ways to move with our bodies through dance. Using different media such as ribbons, sound and stories to encourage different types of movements.

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