What a busy week!
In English, we have been learning about captions. We now confidently understand how to use nouns and apply them to write a list. We have also learnt that an adjective is a describing word – we thought of lots of different adjectives that we could use to describe nouns in the classroom. We ended the week by building our own captions with nouns and adjectives.
This week in maths we have been counting forwards and backwards. We have used this to help us find one more and one less of a given number.
In Geography, we focussed our learning on England. We made a 3D map, adding the Pennines, London, Cornwall and the English Channel. We also coloured in the Cross of Saint George and made an English Rose.
In PE, we have continued to develop our teamwork skills. We worked on our trust and communication by directing our blindfolded partners around a course.
In Science, we explored natural and manmade materials. We sorted objects that were made from natural materials like wood, from objects made of a manmade material like plastic.
We have been taking part in Friday afternoon PE enrichment! Hazel have been den building and Birch have been riding bikes, scooters and bodyboards.
Next week:
- In English we will be learning about verbs.
- In Maths, we will be continuing to secure place Value within 10.
- In Science, we will be looking at the properties of different materials.
- In RE, we are looking at the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot.